Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stay Calm: It's Only A Wedding

OK I admit it, I have a secret obsession with the Royal Wedding.  Maybe it's because as a kid my Grandma Ruth had the iconic "Wedding Day"  Princess Diana doll.  This doll was a collectors item and I wasn't allowed to play with it.  The closes I came to touching the doll, was when I left nose and finger prints all over the glass case she was in.  As I got older, I realized the significance about Princess Diana and understood why this doll was so special......

A favorite photo of Princess Diana photographed by Mario Testino in 1997
(5 months before her death)

On Friday the world will witness a historical event and I might be crazy enough to watch the event live (at 4 am) while wearing the below headband,  drinking tea and eating crumpets.  We'll see if I actually do it.  It sounds like a great idea now that I've had 10 cups of coffee, but I'm sure my deep sleep will overpower my urge to witness history in the making.  Thank god we have a DVR.  Knowing me I'll probably watch the wedding 12 hours later with a G and T! 

 Thanks E for the headband. I couldn't think of a better occasion to wear this fabulous headband.  Now if I only could remember where I left my white gloves....


  1. OK, it is 1:16 pm, and I've watched it twice. It is on TV even as I write this. I too am obsessed. I wish so much that I was watching this with "my girls". Beth said she and the boys had a long night, so she actually slept through the event. I knew you would be watching! I can't help but think of you and Nick when I watch this. Let's face it, Nick and William have the same hairline and hair color, maybe even the same nose, and if you were 5'10 you would look like Kate. You also share the same classic style. As I watch the wedding, I hope for a happy marriage re-union for you and Nick this summer and wipe the tears away that remind me that you two will be living 8 hours away. Oh well...we can always blog! Love ya, Andi

  2. OK, one more and Nick didn't realize how traditional you were when you signed your marriage certificate in church. Apparently the Brits have done it for years!

  3. Thanks for the note Andi! Your comment brought be to tears!! Wish I could have watched it with you! I was up at 2am watching in my PJ's and drinking tea!
    I also laughed about the signing of the marriage certificate. What we thought was so odd has been a tradition of the Brits for years!
